- A sneeze travels out your mouth at over 100 m.p.h. The highest recorded “sneeze speed” is 165 km per hour.
- You cannot sneeze with your eyes open. It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open and it is believe if your eyes were held open during a sneeze, your eyes would pop out.
- Thomas Edison used his early movie-camera technology to film the action of sneezes.
- People say “Bless you” when you sneeze because when you sneeze, your heart stops for a millisecond.
- The medical term for a sneeze is “sternutation”.
- The person who holds the longest sneezing streak of being able to sneeze almost every minute was England’s Donna Griffiths. Her usual day was spent entirely on sneezing. She actually spent the 978 days of her life sneezing.
- Sneezing too hard can fracture a rib.
- Suppressing a sneeze can cause a blood vessel in your head or neck to rupture.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
8 Facts about Sneezing
Saturday, November 28, 2009
FOOD BANK (Fighting hunger in America)
I'm really hope to see this kind of project in Malaysia too, and give them the publicity cause they earn it.
Help the poor, so you can help yourself.
Just make sure no political interest involve in this type of event, cause it's will just make things worse.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Loya, muak, muntah
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Northrop F-5E Tiger II RMAF
- Length: 14.68m
- Span: 8.13m
- Height: 4.01m
- Weight (maximun take off): 11 193kg
- Two 20mm Pontiac M-39A2 gun with 280 rounds
- Max up to 3 175 kg of external ordinance and tank.
- One centreline and four underwing pylons.
- Three Northrop F-5F double-seaters were purchased in 1978, enabling to operate similar aircrafts as the single-seaters; the earlier Northrop F-5B were sold to Thailand and delivered on 18-09-82.
- TUDM posesses a pair of RF-5E camera equipped jets. Also flown by 12 Skuadron at Butterworth, the TigerEyes provide the Malaysian Air Force with a useful reconnaisance capability.
- Three stored Tigers flew for the first time in August 2003, another in September 2004 and almost all foreseen aircrafts were reactivated by 2003.
- Latest pic of F5E Tiger II (28/05/08)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

· This aircraft was originally operated by the US Navy (October 1956 – 2003).
- In 1980, Malaysia purchased 88 surplus Skyhawks airframes (25 A-4C, 63 A-4L) for refurbishment, redesignaton as A-4PTM (Peculiar To Malaysia), and assignment to the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).
- However, inflationary costs eventually reduced the buy to 40 airframes.
- Upgrading of the A-4PTMs by the Grumman Aerospace facility at St. Augustine, FL, included rewiring; addition of two ordnance wing stations; rework of the J65 engines; and installation of improved avionics and ordnance gear, the enarged A-4M canopy, and a drag chute.
- An undetermined number of the single-seat PTM Skyhawks were rebuilt into two-seat TA-4PTM configuration similar to the TA-4.
- The PTM Skyhawks were delivered to the RMAF in late 1985 and early 1986, and had a relatively short service life. Except for six TA-4PTMs retained for aerial tanker duty, the Malaysian Skyhawks were all retired by late 1994.
· The Skyhawks were purchased as part of the Armed Forces "Perista" development programme, to provide the RMAF with strength in numbers.
· Maintenance and spares problems soon plagued the aircraft with a few falling off the sky.
Sources: http://www.skyhawk.org/2c/productionhistory.htm
p/s: thanks Otai, your article had inspired me to write this simple article. walah
Friday, October 16, 2009
My opinion regarding CLIL or PPSMI in Malaysia.
When I read this letter, I somehow agree with most of KJ view about Malaysian CLIL. He says that CLIL policy in Malaysia is half-baked and the attempt to fix the problem is not a permanent solution but a temporary one. So from my point of view, I believe that KJ voice about this matter is relevant and people the authority should try to seek help or advice from the other nation that has successfully integrated CLIL in their education. I also agreed with KJ view that and extensive research should be done before the government decide to implement any policy in the future. As for the CLIL problem in Malaysia, I suggest that the authority should try to revise the syllabus and try to come up with the better one so that teacher can use it to maximize CLIL’s benefit in class.
Besides, I am thinking that the government should try to give an active support rather that passive support for the teacher to improve their teaching in English language. The support program that we have right now is not that effective as not many teachers can really get the benefit from it. Instead, I believe that teacher should be given active support such as by providing them more opportunities to use English at least during the school hours. For example, nowadays the English day in school is only one day, why not we extend the periods into two or three days. This will provide teacher and students to practice their English and will eventually help to improve their proficiency.
However, I do not agree with some point made by KJ as I seen it is not coherent with what I have learned. For instance, KJ state that CLIL will actually hampered students’ ability to master the science and math subject. This is not true, as this problem can be traced way back to the times before CLIL is implemented. I think the cause for this problem is actually embedded in how Malaysian classroom is conducted. Most of teachers favor traditional approach in learning which limit student contribution for their own learning and will eventually tampered with their ability to acquire the knowledge. Based on this argument, I believe that CLIL should not be the scapegoat for this old problem. CLIL is actually designed and intended to help students to master English by providing them with the mean to learn the language and the opportunity to practice the language.
I also disagree with KJ opinion that CLIL policy should be abandoned after a lot of money and resources has been used. Instead, I think the authority should try to identify the flaw in the policy and take more serious action and long term solution for the matter. Overall, I believe that CLIL is a good thing to be implemented in Malaysia education system but research should be done extensively to ensure it will actually benefit the students.
p/s: this is actually a piece of my reflection task. Just want to share it with people out there. Please feel free to comment.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Saya Anak Malaysia (DR SAM Rasputin)
Lamo kawe cari lagu ih, loni baru jupo. Jom layan kawan2 :)
P/S: kredit to abgcantik (i'm just copy and paste only)
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Untuk Mu Palestina tercinta
Munsyid : Shoutul Harokah
Untukmu jiwa-jiwa kami
Untukmu darah kami
Untukmu jiwa dan darah kami
Wahai Al-Aqsho tercinta
Untukmu jiwa-jiwa kami
Untukmu darah kami
Untukmu jiwa dan darah kami
Wahai Al-Aqsho tercinta
Kami akan berjuang
Demi kebangkitan Islam
Kami rela berkorban
Demi Islam yang mulia
Untukmu, Palestina tercinta
Kami penuhi panggilanmu
Untukmu, Al-Aqsho yang mulia
Kami kan terus bersamamu
Untukmu, Palestina tercinta
Kami penuhi panggilanmu
Untukmu, Al-Aqsho yang mulia
Kami kan terus bersamamu
A aa aaaa
A aaa aaa
A aaa aaaa a a a aa
A aa aaaa
A aaa aaa
A aaa aaaa a a a aa
Kami akan berjuang
Demi kebangkitan Islam
Kami rela berkorban
Demi Islam yang mulia
Untukmu, Palestina tercinta
Kami penuhi panggilanmu
Untukmu, Al-Aqsho yang mulia
Kami kan terus bersamamu
Untukmu, Palestina tercinta
Kami penuhi panggilanmu
Untukmu, Al-Aqsho yang mulia
Kami kan terus bersamamu
Untukmu jiwa-jiwa kami
Untukmu darah kami
Untukmu jiwa dan darah kami
Wahai Al-Aqsho tercinta
Ya Robbi, izinkanlah kami
Berjihad di Palestinamu
Ya Alloh, masukkanlah kami
Tercatat sebagai syuhadamu
Ya Robbi, izinkanlah kami
Berjihad di Palestinamu
Ya Alloh, masukkanlah kami
Tercatat sebagai syuhadamu
Tercatat sebagai syuhadamu
Tercatat sebagai syuhadamuuu
*lyric from: http://www.liriknasyid.com/index.php/lirik/detail/1500/shoutul_harokah-palestina_tercinta.html
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Terima Kasih Cikgu-Cikgu ku
Terima kasih juga buat Ibuku dan Ayahku kerana turut mendidik aku tanpa mengenal erti jemu.
Tanpa kalian semua siapalah aku, jasamu tetap ku kenang, gigih mu menjadi inspirasi ku, doakan aku wahai guru-guru ku agar aku dapat menjadi guru sebaik kalian dan selembut kasih kalian.
Sekolah Kebangsaan Bendang Pauh (SKBP)
Cikgu KH ku Merangkap Ayahanda Ku: En. Aziz bin Ab. Ghani.
Cikgu Bi dan Mathsku merangkap Bonda ak: Rohaya Binti Abd. Razak@Yazid
Guru Besar: Cikgu Haji Kamal.
Guru Bi ku: Teacher Ong Guit Chu
Guru PI ku: Ustazah Fariza.
Guru KT dan lukisan ku: Cikgu Mek Hayati.
Guru Sains ku: Cikgu Suhaimi
Guru Maths ku: Cikgu Ghazalli
Guru KT ku: Cikgu Azalina
Guru Maths Ku: Cikgu Tarmizi
Guru BM ku: Cikgu Halina
Guru ku: Cikgu Saidi
Serta Guru-guru ku yang lain.
Sekolah Menengah Sains Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra (SMSTFP)

Senarai Guru-guru ku di sini.
Pengetuaku : Cik Wan Hamzah Wan Daud
Cikgu ku : EN. Hashim
Cikgu ku: Sensei Mat Tajab.
Cikgu Ku: Cikgu Zaidi.
Guru Ku: Cikgu Aziman
Guru Ku: Cikgu Azaman
Guru Ku: Ustaz Ibrahim
Guru Ku: Ustaz Zawawi.
Guru ku: Arwah Cikgu Khairuddin
Guruku: Teacher Maizura
Guru Ku: Teacher Rozi
Guru Ku: Sir Kamarulzaman
Guru Ku: Sir Iskandar (Lecturer IPKB)
Guru Ku: Cikgu Aminah
Guru Ku: Cikgu Mazinah Muda
Guru Ku: Cikgu Notterzam
Guru Ku: Cikgu Jizah
Guru Ku: Cikgu Wan Faizah
Guru Ku: Mama Chan
Guru Ku: Cikgu Anuar
Guru Ku: Cikgu Zakiah
Guru Ku: Cikgu Zahariah
Guru Ku: Cikgu Shariffudin
Guru Ku: Cikgu Radzuan
Guru Ku: Cikgu Wan Sakinah
Guru Ku: Cikgu Suzhana
Guru Ku: Cikgu Ghazi
Guru Ku: Cikgu Kang
Serta Guru-Guru ku yang lain...
Harap Cikgu halalkan ilmu di dada ini dan doakanlah kejayaan ku di Dunia dan Akhirat.
Semoga hidup cikgu semua diBerkati Allah S.W.T.
P/S: Maaf dipohon kerana tidak mampu memuatkan semua nama guru2 ku. Namun jasa kalian semua tetap ku kenan.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Margajebat - Majalah 3 (How Keris is made and how it being used)
P/S: Kempunan aku nak belajar seni silat. Harap nanti ader peluang bleh aku belajar. Warisan bangsa aku nih :)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Lagu Patriotik (Darah Satria)
Lautan luas banjaran gunung
Rezeki nan melimpah
Bawah langitnya kami bernaung
Rasa kasih tercurah…
Tanah airku bumi bertuah
Tiada bandingannya
Rela bersatu ganding tenaga
Mendaulatkan tenaga
Dengan… sepenuh keazaman
Semangat mu nan waja
Keranamu rela berkorban
Engkaulah pertiwi yang tercinta
Darah satria..(2x)…berkobar didada
Tinggalkan ibu tinggalkan ayah
Serta sanak saudara
Membuktikan kesetiaan kita
Pada bumi Malaysia…
Dengan… sepenuh keazaman
Semangat mu nan waja
Keranamu rela berkorban
Engkaulah pertiwi yang tercinta
Darah satria..(2x)…berkobar didada
Tinggalkan ibu tinggalkan ayah
Serta sanak saudara
Membuktikan kesetiaan kita
Pada bumi Malaysia…
Darah satria..(2x)
Terima kasih buat semua pejuang yang berjuang demi agama dan negara kita Malaysia..
thanks a lot :)
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Khairy tercicir walaupun menang ketua pemuda
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Khairy tercicir walaupun menang ketua pemuda

Malah, naib beliau, Razali Ibrahim dan orang yang beliau kalahkah iaitu anak Mahathir, Mukhris Mahathir, dilantik menyertai barisan kepimpinan negara yang baru.
Hanya Khairy yang tertinggal dalam kabinet ini, ketua sayap-sayap Umno iaitu wanita dan puteri semuanya disenaraikan dalam barisan kepimpinan baru Najib ini.
Sebelum ini, Mahathir berkata, beliau tidak campur tangan dalam pemilihan kabinet ini tetapi menyatakan panentangannya jika Khairy dilantik dalam kebinet baru ini.
Di samping Khairy, mereka yang tercicir dalam kabinet ini adalah Tan Sri Muhamad Haji Mohamad Taib (yang kalah untuk jawatan timbalan presiden), Datuk Seri Hamid Albar (yang mencadangkan agar akta penerbitan dimansuhkan), Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said (Menteri Pelancongan).
Di samping itu dua menteri MCA juga tercicir.
*dari siasah, sbab utusan Malaysia da delete sal ni
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Ak da dok kt amerika rupernyer hahaha
We're all living in America,
America is wunderbar.
We're all living in America,
Amerika, Amerika.
When I'm dancing, I want to lead,
even if you all are spinning alone,
let's exercise a little control.
I'll show you how it's done right.
We form a nice round (circle),
freedom is playing on all the fiddles,
music is coming out of the White House,
and near Paris stands Mickey Mouse.
We're all living in America...
I know steps that are very useful,
and I'll protect you from missteps,
and anyone who doesn't want to dance in the end,
just doesn't know that he has to dance!
We form a nice round (circle),
I'll show you the right direction,
to Africa goes Santa Claus,
and near Paris stands Mickey Mouse.
We're all living in America,
America is wunderbar.
We're all living in America,
Amerika, Amerika.
We're all living in America,
Coca-Cola, Wonderbra,
We're all living in America,
Amerika, Amerika.
This is not a love song,
this is not a love song.
I don't sing my mother tongue,
No, this is not a love song.
We're all living in America,
Amerika is wunderbar.
We're all living in America,
Amerika, Amerika.
We're all living in America,
Coca-Cola, sometimes WAR,
We're all living in America,
Amerika, Amerika.
p/s: sajer nk share ngan geng2, ak raser cm penah dgar lagu ni dlu kt ipba luper lak kt bilik saper.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Politik Wang = rasuah ????
Sila bg pandangan anda :)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Kenyataan Dr Mohd Asri Berhubung Isu Nama Allah
Saya bukan jawatankuasa PAS, atau orang Kelantan, namun bagi saya sesiapa yang menempelak kenyataan YAB MB Kelantan tentang isu nama Allah adalah mereka yang kurang jelas tentang akidah Islam, atau mempertahankan apa yang mereka tidak faham.
Saya telah tulis isu ini lebih setahun yang lalu dalam artikel saya yang disiarkan dalam MM bertajuk 'Beza Antara Menyebut Nama Allah Dan Merpertahankan Akidah'.
Saya telah kemukakan hujah dan alasan bahawa mereka boleh memanggil Tuhan dengan 'Allah'. Al-Quran dan Sunnah membenarkannya. Akidah bukan diukur dengan panggilan, tetapi dengan membezakan antara tauhid dan syirik.
Majlis Fatwa Perlis semasa saya menjadi mufti membuat keputusan sebulat suara keharusan bukan muslim memanggil Tuhan dengan panggilan Allah. Jangan kita nak divert isu politik, kita bangkit isu agama, nanti agama menjadi mangsa permainan manusia.
Saya nasihat kepada yang bising isu ini, jika nak berjihad, biarlah kena pada tempatnya. Ini bukan isu yang patut kita bertarung kerananya.
Jika ingin melarang bukan muslim guna nama Allah jangan sebut Islam melarang tetapi beritahu mereka peraturan Kerajaan Malaysia melarangnya atas sebab-sebab tertentu.
Jangan jadikan isu agama nanti mereka hairan lain al-Quran cakap, lain pihak yang memakai jenama agama cakap. Apa yang patut JAKIM fikirkan adalah bagaimana cara agar bukan muslim dalam negara kita lebih faham dan suka dengan Islam.
Dr Mohd Asri Bekas Mufti Perlis
Lampeter, UK
*(ini adalah article dari akbar wasilah)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Amarahku membuak2 tatkala membaca artikel sombong ini
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Lagu sempoi tapi Masih ingtkan pendengar kepada NYA yang Maha ESA.
Klo saper2 ader2 per komen bleh lah share yer :D
Friday, January 9, 2009
Tahniah buat penyokong kijang emas..

Tahniah kpd pyokong setia kijang mah.. kerana tlah brjaya mgadakn rapat umum di hdpn bgn FAM. Kepada saudara pert, sy mntak maaf sgt2 krana xdpt menghadiri mjlis tersebut. Smoga FAM akn mnjadi lebih rasional dlm membuat keputusan. Akal kn ader, kena la guna, jgn simpan buat asam jer.
P/S : Pics di atas adalah hasil kerja saudara Sapix a.k.a. Pert.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Visa oh visa....
mcm la ak ni terrorist y nk bomb diorg..
Huh nk wk cmner da nk msuk tmpat org kn.....
Anyway i'll be flying to UK in 5th of February 2009..
Ampun dan Maaf jika ada slap dan slah n mta halal mkn minum sumer..