This night is quite a lonesome night for me. Don't know what to do even though I have lot of assignments waiting to be done. But somehow I feel so lazy this night. I need some motivation to kickstart my mood to do the assignment. Well please somebody help me, inspire me to do me assignment. I need it fast and i need it in high doses.
My friends out there, please enjoy your life to the fullest, but do not forget we are not alone here, HE is watching us from above, so please behave ya don nkal2. Well in this few weeks i kinda realized that i need to improve myself and at the same time try not to be so boring. So I decided that for few days i will be in the silent mode and try to actually watch others and how they behave. Maybe it can trigger something in my head. I don't want to be called a headless chicken again. I am a human being that always need guidance so that i will become a great person. Insyallah.
New Year Wishes!!!
14 years ago
Jat2 mu nie.. just be urself... dat what u should be.. xpyh pikir psl ape org ckp huhuh ko kan dah bagus wei.. just bagus kan lg sikit jek.. n psl asgmnt tue hhuhu biasalah bdk2 U nie suke wat keje last minutes hehheheh aku masa kat ipba pon slalu mcm tue tp bila dtg marjon nie alhamdulillah aku boleh lah siap awal.. ko kena push diri sndiri ok???
jgn malas2 nk kena rajin huhuhu
hehehe tq mi muuuuuaaaaxs
ak arap nti ak dpt ubah gak sket bad habbit ni.. anyway ko kt marjon cmner skang???boring lg ker?
herm aku still dlm process mncari keje nie... entahlah tibe2 susah plak nk dpt keje hhehehhe boring tue adalah jgk lg2 klao xde bnde nk buat.. mcm ko dok ipba weekends.. tido tgok tv mkn main komputer mcm tue lah i hope thta bila dpt keje xdelah bosan sgt at leat terisi masa lpg huhuh wei doakan aku dpt keje wei ...
p/s: nnt wat entry psl SBE ok aku nk baca pnglmn ko kat sekolah huhuh
hehehe ok2 mi nti ak da setel esimen ni ak akn post kn sal experience ak kt sbe neh hehehe
wait yerrr
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